Tuesday, November 04, 2008

VOTE!! (Today)

Today is one of the most important days in your life. Even more important than the birth of your child (sorry, it's true). Even more important than the one time you did something good in sports that your dad was proud of (yep, bigger than that). Even more important than your wedding, first job, second job, first kiss, first million dollars earned, and even more important than the day you first found this website (unbelievable, but apropos).

Today is Election Day!! Today is the day you vote into office the next President. Our country (and for those of you in countries other than the United States - "our country" in this example, and only in this example, does not mean "your country", though it will likely have an effect on your country, our decision) is ready for a change. We're all wanting it. We're all needing it. And this time, we're all making a stand and demanding it.

I'm not going to tell you who to vote for (Barack Obama), but I will tell you who I voted for. I voted for Barack Obama. And you should too.

I have a ton of other things I should've been writing about over the past few months, but they can all wait until tomorrow when we have a new President. Barack Obama.





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