Thursday, April 24, 2008

International Phenomenon (and nakedness)

Over the past few years I have received many emails from around the world. Places like Russia! Italy! Wyoming! Other places!

This site has been commented on in blogs and websites from even other places around the world. Places like Japan! Poland! Spanish-speaking country!

But, even with this foreknowledge, I wasn't prepared for the global reach that one month of internet tracking revealed. As previously mentioned (you know, before this mentioning), I added an analytic tool to every page on the site (one month ago). This tool gives me a look at all manner of data. Mostly geographical location, popular pages, keyword searches, etc.

I've had access for years to search terms that have lead people to my site, and I am still somehow surprised that my most frequently hit searches are "chester the molester" and "Wendi McLendon-Covey naked" (or a wide variety of most of the female celebrities I have portroided with a "nude" or "naked" qualifier). This blog can only increase my frequency of receiving these quality results. I have no naked photos on this site (not true (Naked Cowboy (not really naked) and a blurry old-timey bathtub shot (blurry old-timey penis))).

Anyway, back to how International and worldy actually is. In the past month, I have had visitors from 54 countries and all but 4 United States (what's up Alaska, Wyoming, Vermont, and South Dakota? Do you hate portroids, effective late March to late April 2008?).

That might not seem like a lot of countries compared to a much more popular site, but to me with my little project of Polaroid portraits, it means something that an Icelander who is searching for "Maria Thayer nude" has taken the time to click on my link and looked at Maria Thayer clothed.

It's really comforting that a Micronesian and a Tunisian and an American and a Serbian and a Brit and a Slovakian have all individually congegrated in the small world of the internet with similar aims, similar desires, similar global concerns ... Random Female Celebrity Naked.

I'm happy to have been given the opportunity to disappoint.

Keep clicking, Earth!

Love (fully clothed),


Anonymous Beth Daane said...

Sorry Porty- I moved to CA so there aren't any WY visits from me anymore...

2:20 PM  
Blogger portroids said...

I'm glad that mystery has been resolved. I thought I'd lost my #1 fan.

9:18 AM  

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