Monday, October 04, 2004

Rock The Vote (like a hurricane)

Today is the last day in Colorado to register to vote, so if you are in Colorado (like, you live here - not just visiting), and you haven't yet registered to vote (because you are a procrastinator), and you are barely 18 (and started your own porn website), and you are going to vote for John Kerry (because you hate Bush, but you still love bush (as evidenced by that porn website you started)), and by some unlikely coincidence you happen to be reading this virtually unread blog, go out and register TODAY! And make sure that you actually vote when it comes time to vote in November. Rock that vote - rock it hard!

I've done my part. I promised Al Franken I would. His portroid will be on the site within the next few days.

Speaking of voting ... we have a winner in the "Portroids Proudly Presents ..." fan favorite contest. It was a close race and was decided by one vote (see, every vote counts). And the winner is .... soon to be announced. The winner's site will be up soon. I'll announce it when it is. Congratulations (to the winner)! Booooooo (to the losers)! Losers deserve no mercy. Mercy is for the weak. Don't be a loser (unless you can't help it because you suck at stuff).

Remember to vote (unless you're planning to vote for "W" - then you can forget to vote if you want).

Rockin' it, rockin' it,


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